This is my first post of 2011. I’ve been wanting to make this post since early January, but 2011 already has proven to a very busy year.

A great year for mobility, 2011 should be.

As the year 2011 begins, it is good to understand where we are and what to expect in the new year. This is important for those who are planning their 2011 plan of attack, be it gaming, social, mobile commerce, or enterprise software/apps, services, just to mention a few.

I pay particular attention to the intersection between the state of the 1) handsets, 2) the networks, 3) the mobile lifestyle and 4) the business models that helps monetize the mobile opportunity. And I pay special attention to the intersections between mobility and context-based mobile computing and what I call augmented real-time interactions. And I am spending considerable amount of time on the Android platform, both native and web.

As these four aspects of mobility, mentioned above, continue to mature, they also continue to converge; the greater the convergence, the greater the commoditization, which translates into greater opportunities across mobile verticals.

2011 will see changes and improvements on the networks, the devices we interact with, and the connected lifestyle and how we interact with or through our mobile devices. This in turn results in new ways to monetize the mobile opportunity: mobile commerce, games, social, education, media-focused, operator-focused, or other types of apps, across mobile platforms, device sizes from smartphones to tablets and the connected TV, native vs. mobile web-based apps. The current state of the handsets and networks, and the role of tablets, NFC, app and content distribution, and new development tools for native and mobile web apps, will help unleash a wave of mobile activity like never before; even traditional non-mobile designers and developers, are now paying attention to mobile. Mobile startups are sprawling!

In the next couple of blog posts, I will expand on this:

Happy new year…
