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Archive of posts published in the tag: Android

Android 4.4 (KitKat) is Here!

Check out the new guest post that I wrote on Android 4.4, for the Safari Books Online blog. It summarizes what is new on Android and related important information. In this post we will explore the major changes introduced in Android 4.4. Android…

Android In Action 3rd Ed. Translated to Portuguese

Nice… I just received a copy of Android in Action 3rd edition, which I co-authored, translated to Portuguese! (I would like to learn Portuguese.) ceo

Article: Parse cloud-based services for Android apps

My latest article on Mobile & Cloud computing… Summary: Explore the advantages of storing mobile application data in a private cloud with this introduction to the Parse SDK for Android. Mobilist C. Enrique Ortiz introduces the Parse API classes for cloud-storing and manipulating…

Android Platform Versions (2012)

Below is a snapshot of the Android platform distribution, as of September 2012. As you can see, the majority of the devices out there, close to 60%, are still 2.3 (Gingerbread). This is followed by ICS with close to 21%. Froyo 2.2 is…

On SmartTVs: The Vizio Co-Star (2012)

Vizio Co-Star is NO-GO. Part of creating a product is providing proper customer support throughout its life-cycle. A product life-cycle begins with product envisioning, followed by definition, followed by create/build, followed by going to market (which on itself consists of different aspects including…

Starbucks App == Mobile + Convenience

The Starbucks App for Android 2.0 is out on Google Play (see announcement on VentureBeat). Good to see… (I was one of the people who contributed design & dev to this product, specifically the Card Management tab/functionality, plus some other.) Starbucks have proven,…

Reminder | Tonight May 24th | Android Dev Austin

Update: we had a great event! — see some photos of the event. Thanks to our speakers, and to our sponsor Evernote. If you are in Austin, Texas, a reminder about tonight’s event: “Android app performance, optimization and analysis”. See you there! ceo

Android Dev Austin (May 2012) | Topic: “Android app performance and analysis”

Update: we had a great event! — see some photos of the event. Thanks to our speakers, and to our sponsor Evernote. Topic – “Android app performance, optimization and analysis”: For headcount purposes, please register at Food and drinks will be served.…

APIs and Copyrights (Oracle vs. Google)

The Oracle vs. Google case on Java is such a precedence case that any ruling on APIs vs. copyright might open a can of worms. The outcome of this ruling literally will affect any software company and developers designing APIs (and protecting those…

Oracle vs. Google on Java (2012)

Some background: I spent many years as an individual contributor to a number of J2ME expert groups including MIDP 2.0, MIDP 3.0 and a number of J2ME APIs ~ around 10 different JSRs over 8+ years. I was a huge proponent of Java…