By now you probably have already seen the video on Layar augmented reality (AR) browser, embedded below:

Layar is a location-based, context-aware product by SPRXmobile, a group of very smart folks in Amsterdam that I have been following for a long time; because they get it. I got the pleasure to meet Raimo van der Klein, co-founder of SPRXmobile in the past, which I enjoyed very much. SPRXmobile gets what mobility is all about — about the intersection of mobility with the user context and with our surroundings. Which is why it is of no surprise to me that they came up with Layar.

And with Layar they also came up with an interesting business model. What about that! And it seems a sound one, meaning they will make money — what a concept! I’m not being sarcastic here; you see in mobile it is hard to make money, and those who make real money are either people who develop software for others (i.e. get paid as consultants) and the other group are the network operators. The others are left with models that are based on ads such as AdMob or Google, or must go straight after the businesses, which is what it seems Layar is doing. So it is pleasing to see a mobile application with a reasonable business model. And this business model is about “information sharing”, at this time, around advertising. But what it is interesting is the way information/ads are grouped into “buckets of related information” or Layers. So, perhaps you are trying to find ATMs, for this you will use the ATM layer. Or you can switch to other layers containing other information such as the banks layer. This concept of layers is very applicable to plain maps as well. This concept of layers is powerful.

Next, and to maximize such a great idea, the folks at SPRXmobile should also take advantage of the community, and allow for “social or user generated” layers, layers that people, anyone, can create, contribute to, and share. Is this Zcapes + Layars?

Layar is first targeted at Android handsets; no surprise there as Android is an open, feature-rich (video, accelerometer, GPS, compass, touch-screen, etc), easy to deploy environment. Because of its business models, it will be made available on a city by city basis; which is a reason they should just make it available anywhere and let community create layers. Next I am sure it will be made available on iPhone and other environments that provide the required elements of (video, accelerometer, GPS, compass, touch-screen, etc.)
