Random Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Other

The Truth

“After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit…

The Web is Broken – On net neutrality and the closed web (2017)

Facebook has done an amazing job getting Billions of users. But that same success (and the users themselves) have helped create a closed Web. I totally get it. Facebook has made it so easy and convenient to create your digital presence, and one…

Huracán María

Dichosa eres Huracán María, dichosa eres, dandole tan duro a Puerto Rico y sus islas vecinas. No tenías que partir a Puerto Rico por el mismo medio, pero lo hiciste. Y destrucción dejaste. ¿Porque no pudiste ser mas dulce con nosotros, María? Pero…

Order within Chaos

“There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.” — Albert Einstein The interactions and flows between “two bodies” or…

Let’s not forget… (2016)

Let’s not forget… Fifteen years ago, it was a Tuesday morning. The year was 2001. The attack came, in the form of airplanes and souls. Let’s not forget those who perished. Let’s not forget what was at the center of that horrible act.…

AI gone bad

Another occurrence of AI gone bad. Earlier this year it was Microsoft’s Chatbot going racist. Now, Facebook’s automation software was trending fake news; keep in mind that, per the article, Facebook is a news source for 44% of US adults. Even if biased,…

4th Generation of Mobile (Aug 2016)

Mobile adoption is still growing. A good example is Facebook with 1 Billion+ users and around 56% of its user-base being mobile-only users as of July 2016 (see source). Mobile adoption has matured — apps are not dying. Instead when you have the…

Android N: What is New?

What is new in Android N? Lots of new changes: APIs, power management, related to notifications, new multi-window UI, permissions, Graphics APIs, other… 1. Android 7.0 -> API Level 24. 2. API differences: https://developer.android.com/sdk/api_diff/24/changes.html 3. Behavioral differences: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html 4. General overview: https://www.android.com/versions/nougat-7-0/ 5.…

Pokémon Go is the Best Example of AR in Action that I’ve Ever Seen (up to this point)

I haven’t played with Pokémon Go (PG) yet. But I have to say that I’ve never seen an app (in general) as sticky as the PG app. I mean, wow. I’m totally impressed by its adoption. For example, a few evenings ago while…

Android Platforms Adoption (May 2016)

Every year I like to take a snapshot of the Android platforms adoption. It is great to compare Year-to-Year numbers for historical purposes. Keeping track of platform adoption is important as it directly impacts what developers should be focusing on vs. what should…