Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

Dissecting React Native (Nov 2018)

Check out my most recent article “Dissecting React Native” recently published at the IBM Developer website.  This article introduces you to React Native, an open source framework by Facebook, that has become quite popular. In this article, I cover how to get started with…

One year ago today, Hurricane María

One year ago today (9/19/2018), Hurricane María was getting closer and closer to #PuertoRico. While the actual landfall of the hurricane’s eye occurred on 9/20/17, as you can see from the video that I took below, its effects were being felt already. I…

Objective-C, Working with Protocols, and Law enforcement officials

It is interesting the first paragraph of Working with Protocols (from Apple’s Developer Website, Programming with Objective-C). Is Apple making a point? :-) Working with Protocols In the real world, people on official business are often required to follow strict procedures when dealing with certain…

Successful Product Management

(Source: Watching Kung Fu) Successful Product Management (PM) requires earning the trust of others, ownership and proactiveness, and great discipline. The day-to-day of a PM goes beyond product vision and definition, and business-related activities. The main job of a product manager owner is…

Designing for unintended consequences (Open Profile)

When designing a feature, application, solution or platform, its unintended consequences must be considered as part of the design. I have noticed a large increase in the number of unsolicited InMail messages on LinkedIn. As a side note, I also recently added LinkedIn…

Moody Alexa and the Voice War

It was a Sunday morning, and I was watering the front yard. To time the watering, I had a timer running on my Echo Show. But I was preempted with another task, and I didn’t want to leave the timer running and going…

In Media and Journalism, Content is King, but…

In Media and Journalism, content is King, but today, having good content is not enough. Having unique content is much better, but still, it’s not enough. The journey towards Digital content and revenue can be complex as it requires the right people and…

Low/No-Code in Software-Driven Organizations

Digital transformation means that organizations need to become software-driven. The Low/No-Code (L/NC) approach to software development, a point-and-click, drag-and-drop or configuration-based approach to creating applications, aims to disrupt how this transformation takes place. In this essay, I cover two perspectives on Low/No-Code: the…

The Cold Equations

“You wanted obedience, Cullin — now you have it. You climbed a long way up by forcing human beings to behave like machines. But you were wrong in one respect; no human can ever be forced to behave exactly like a machine, and…

Never violate customer trust

The current debacle with Facebook has been brewing for a while now, and it is very sad. For me it started last year, when I got tired of constant fake news and privacy concerns. Since then I’ve had next to zero activity on…