Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

Namibian Nights (Squiver)

Gorgeous work by Squiver – beautiful imagery and music… Namibian Nights from Squiver on Vimeo. (Watch in HD and fullscreen) ceo

On Voice Apps (and Contextual Voice/Communications)

Image Source: The Future of the Web and Mobile (Feb 2007) For years I have been working on mobile and related software development. This has been a world of “data”-and consumer and enterprise applications and infrastructure, that for me started in 1999-2000 with…

Brokering the Cloud for IP Telephony Services

I wrote a piece, the special feature on @tmcnet, regarding why VoIP providers are leveraging cloud service brokers like Shango. Titled Brokering the Cloud for IP Telephony Services, it is about the potential of cloud service brokers on communication service providers; below is…

Android In Action 3rd Ed. Translated to Portuguese

Nice… I just received a copy of Android in Action 3rd edition, which I co-authored, translated to Portuguese! (I would like to learn Portuguese.) ceo

Dell is going Private (2013)

A month after I wrote Dell to exit global smartphone business, now I hear rumors that Dell is going private. Many years ago I was predicting that an Asian company would buy Dell, but I wasn’t expecting Dell going private. The Dell story…

NASA’s Space Shuttle – From Top to Bottom (Infographic)

I found this pretty cool Infographic below about the Space Shuttle (via I like to remember and share the special time I spent working in the Space Shuttle program. It was an awesome program, people, and manned-space transportation system. One of the…

Geo Track Me Not! (T-Shirt)

I have been spending some time designing Tech-themed t-shirts (with mobile focus). The T-Shirt below, titled Geo Track Me Not!, is an evolution of an design idea I had years ago. I think I am finally close to finishing with a design that…

Frisbee Freestyle Jam (Austin Winter 2013)

It was a gorgeous, windy, cold day in Austin, Texas. With Todd Brodeur, John Titcomb, Johny Trevino, Mike Galloupe, Eric Gibbons, Glen Whitlock and others — at Zilker Park. Austin Jamming – Panorama #1 (Click on picture to enlarge) Austin Jamming – Panorama…

Bye bye 2012…

It is the end of 2012 — I wish all of you a very super happy new year, a 2013 full of great health and prosperity. Bye bye 2012… 2012 will be remembered as a very interesting and challenging year. But in restrospect,…

Worst Apocalypse Ever… says Kitty

I agree with Kitty — this is the worst Apocalypse ever… No end of the World and no Zombie Apocalypse… But, no surprise here, right? And to all the end-of-days lunatics out there, there you have it. No, there is no such thing…