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Category Archives

Archive of posts published in the category: Mobility

I knew it – It is about enhancing the communication experience!

Shawn from Intercasting has a very nice piece where he summarizes his trip to Europe. One of the excellent points that he makes on his blog reads: “Communication and Community are the future of data apps” and “Carriers and customers want applications that…

Mobile Operational Management is OSGi!!!!

The much anticipated Mobile Operational Management (JSR 232) early draft has been published… Well, hm, I knew it was going to leverage OSGi, but I was not expecting for it to be 100% OSGi!!! In other words, MOM is OSGi Mobile R4!!! Not…

Voice-Text Service…

For a while I have been writing that mobility and handsets is first and most about communication… And even yesterday I wrote about this, and about taking messaging to the next level – there is still a lot to innovate on this area.…

Mobile Data Usage & The 2 Faces of Mobility

Interesting article Cellular Industry Insiders Indifferent To Mobile Data, about how people who work in the wireless industry is not putting in practice what they preach… i.e. not downloaded data (or consuming data services). David Haskins in his blog goes on expanding on…

Need for Cordless Power

There is a short but neat article on Mobile Pipeline by Reno Rossetti of Fairchild Semiconductor titled Truly Mobile Devices Need Cordless Power. I have read/studied Nikola Tesla's vision on wireless power – Nikola was ahead of everyone else, ahead of his time,…

Palm Teams With Microsoft for Smart Phone

“Palm Teams With Microsoft for Smart Phone”… Doesn't that sound just wrong? Palm, one of the innovators on the mobility and PDA space, is an example of bad execution. Execution is what makes or breaks a company… By now, Palm should have been…

The Painful Reality of Writing Mobility Apps…

Today I finally hooked-up with a friend, a serial founder and CTO of mobility startup companies, who I haven't talked to for some months now. So I said “hey, so how are things going?” His response “I hate handsets”… And I understand his…