So after running some errands midday today, I drove home to pickup something. And on the street was a photographer, taking pictures of the homes nearby. As the photographer approaches my house I asked the lady, “what’s this all about?” She identified herself as a Zaio Zone photographer, who is taking pictures of all homes in the area, for the purpose of “emergency services, real estate, appraisal assessments, insurance and lending institutions”.

BTW, Zaio stands for “Zone Appraisal and Imaging Operations”.

And I’m thinking to myself, yeah right, I can think of a couple of places the photo of my house might end up… Yes, you got it, Google is one of those places. LOL. I won’t be surprised if that becomes the case… Combine this with all the personal information on the web, and you have someones’ complete profile, home photo included…

I don’t like that shit… Stay away from my house Zaio!

So I asked the lady, “what about privacy?” And “I don’t want my home be part of that DB?” She politely replied that “people can contact Zaio to get the photo removed, and that she would skip my house”. I said, “Thank You!”.

If you visit Zaio Corporation, you will see that the company has a massive operation, with around 19.4 millions photos already taken! Wow.

Welcome to the new world, the era of physical and digital worlds convergence…
