I truly believe that the killer application is about two things: better access to people, better access to information. This means that there is no single killer app.

For some, the killer app is about access to their “corporate data”, to others is about access to email, for others is gaming – for many is about better communications, about better access to people, their friends and family.

A good example of better access to friends and family is presence and instant messaging on mobile handsets. I recently installed a pretty neat instant messenger application on my Treo 300. In many ways, this is a killer app – it provides presence information and access to my friends and family doesn’t matter where I am and vice versa (as long as I wish to), and of course, as long as I have network coverage.

Maybe the killer app is not about an app per-se, but about killer app enablers. Maybe it is about some kind of the killer framework, a framework that enables better access to people and/or information, a framework that enables or facilitates integration to the different data sources that are relevant an individual, a framework that brings information to the user. A framework that securely and proactively monitors and delivers information, and that properly presents that information based on the characteristics of a preferred channel (device or application), or of the channel currently being used. For a number of years I have been toying with these concepts. As the network and devices continue to become more advanced, realizing such concept is closer to reality.


C. Enrique Ortiz
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