We are moving towards the next phase in mobile-based marketing? Some people call this Mobile Marketing 2.0:

“…combines business and customer interaction data to automate the delivery of relevant marketing information.”

So what’s the next phase after MM 2.0? For some folks, the answer seems to be MM 2.0g — or get the government involved:

“We’re filing a complaint to force the FTC to take a proactive stance,” Chester said. Mobile ad companies “incorporate the same problematic business practices that we witnessed with PC-based broadband marketing, including behavioral targeting and profiling techniques–except that this time they know your location,” he said.

Jeff Chester is founder and executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy.

Too much government involvement? Others deciding what is best for you or me? You decide. But in my opinion, the government is the LAST thing you get involved. Let the market/industry develop, and settle all by itself. Let those who abuse the trust of their customer just crash-and-burn, or just go sue their asses. But keep the government out; their involvement minimal.

See Groups Complain To FTC About Mobile Marketing.

Update: FTC Warns Mobile Marketers to Keep it Honest (Wireless Week).
