The VeriWrong Chip

I typically don't write pieces like this one, but, I must – awareness is key…

VeriChip is a company that creates an implantable RFID chip… and is an example of very smart people, who have the best of intentions (maybe), but are doing something dangerous to society – they think they are doing the right thing, but they are not.

VeriChip's tag line is “RFID for People”…. but let's not kid ourselves, let's not forget the real implications of tracking chip implants…. it is not "RFID for people", it really is “RFID for those who want to control People”.

The VeriChip is VeriWrong, and VeriHideous.

Recently, Mr. Scott Silverman, Chairman of the Board of VeriChip Corporation, proposed to Implant Tracking Chips in Immigrants… Is this guy nuts?
I don't know Mr. Silverman, but he gives me the creeps… One of those executives who pushes their products to maximize profit regardless of the consequences and moral implications… Those are the really dangerous kind of people – people in power and influential positions, but with VeriWrong idea.

Not sure if he has implanted one on himself, and/or his family, and track them (just to make a point), but come on Scott, RFIDs have many other very profitable applications – tracking people by implanting a chip is just wrong, regardless of how cool the technology is, or the good intentions – don't kid yourself. First it was about implanting the chip on employees – "because it will bring efficiencies". There are other ways to reach the same level of efficiencies, without the "Big Brother Effect". BTW, being able to trigger opening the building door with a implanted VeriChip instead of swiping their ID card is a very silly idea – the product marketing person who came with that idea should get a chip implant for coming up such silly idea. And today I read about VeriChip's idea of implanting chips into immigrants. Wow. (I'm not impressed with VeriChip's product marketing team). I understand the national security issues, but extremes such as this one is totally unacceptable – no, the end doesn't justify the means.

Anyone who believes that implanting RFID or any tracking or ID chip on people is a good idea is blind. Please open your eyes!

You need to understand – I understand very well the benefits and applications, and technologies related to RFID. Yes, they can bring efficiencies when correctly used/applied, such as for inventory and asset tracking, but there is (very clear) line not to be crossed, and that line is tracking people – even worst, tracking people by implanting a chip! This idea of implanting chips on people crosses that line. It brings NO benefit to the people, but to a very few who wants to enforce identification and surveillance – the government, the employers, hey, your spouse, others – you get the point!

The VeriChip is VeriWrong and VeriScary and VeriDisturbing… A VeriChip or similar technologies will never touch me or any of my family members.

The sign of the end of time, or not, this is scary stuff and of great concern. Let's look at history. The implications are tremendous, the lack of morality unspeakable. This can be used for the wrong purposes, for many wrong purposes, so easily – by the government, corporations and individuals with not the best intentions… I don't have to explain… it is crystal clear…. And for those who believe the VeriChip is secure, it is not, it is hackable… I am sure encryption capabilities will improve over time, but still, there will always be someone out there smarter than you and me, who will break it.


[Via PicturePhoning]