Sean Sheedy sent me an email about an important meeting that is going to be taking place today in Santa Clara. If you are there, you should attend, and express your opinion, feedback, concerns…


The meeting is introductory. There have been years of blogs and articles and JavaOne hallway conversations about the issues facing individual mobile developers, but actual progress has been glacial.

It is time to move from talk into action. But what action? and solving what problems?

The format of this meeting will be very similar to that of a meeting in Paris in January 2006, where about a dozen JCP member representatives who happened to be in town for an MSA meeting, met to discuss fragmentation. The format allowed everyone to gain a much better understanding from different industry perspectives without getting caught up in the details.

The goal of the meeting is to gain a more complete understanding of the problem from our different industry perspectives. By no means are we trying to walk out with a vision or mission or actions – though it is intended to drive thinking that way. It is simply meant to bring together our different perspectives and get us on the same page.


1) Introductions
    - Name & place in the industry
    - Why you're here

2) Perspectives
    - Each participant presents their perspective
    - What you see the problems are
    - What you think can be done about it
    - Anything else related

3) Goals
    - Brainstorm on goals we'd like to accomplish

4) Actions
    - Brainstorm on actions we can take in the next quarter
    - Low-hanging fruit?
    - Things people can easily do by themselves?
    - Avoid boiling the ocean?

5) Wrap-up
    - Action items
    - Write up and distribution of meeting minutes
    - Exchange of business cards
    - Next gathering - JavaOne?


The Mansion at Sun’s HQ in Santa Clara (4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA). The Mansion is across the street from the auditorium. It is one of the old buildings in front of the main campus.


9 – 1 PM, Friday January 25th


No badge is needed, but the door requires badge access; just bang on the door or call me (703) 898-0201 if you have trouble getting in.

Sean Sheedy