“Do as I say not as I do!”

The Web 2.0 is supposed to be about the open, collective, community-based use and evolution of the Web, so what happened here when O’Reilly trademarks “Web 2.0” and sets lawyers on IT@Cork?

This recent trademark (or service mark) debacle is such a great example of what I've been talking about on “theory vs. practice”… If you follow my blog, you have seen my recent writings on The Web 2.0 from a Practical Perspective, and theory vs. practice.

Just the thought of trade/service marking “Web 2.0” is totally against the spirit of the Web and the Internet, AND against the new wave of community, collective use, and evolution of the Web.

I have to admit that I am a bit confused here, and that this debacle doesn't feel like “Tim”, and maybe it is the “evil corporate side” of CMP/O'Reilly that did this…

