O'Reilly Media and StrikeIron are organizing a Telephony Mashup Contestsee the rules of the contest.

“This new contest provides a stage for developers to demonstrate their creative skills using emerging telephony technologies such as PBX, IVR, and Web Service APIs.”

I think this is pretty cool…

Earlier this week, The Programmable Web announced that there are 1,500 mashups registered:

**It would be nice to see The Programmable Web add a new classification and stats for mobile mashups (or mashups that offer mobility)

Combine the above with tools and services on the web from Asterisk, Tellme, Sylantro, Iotum, Voxeo, and iptel.org SIP Express Router, together with services on the web from Google, Yahoo! and Amazon, and a pretty cool mashup can be created…

The contest is only open to U.S. residents, and registration must be turned in no later than February 20, 2007 at midnight. Prizes are: 1st $1,500, 2nd $1,000, and 3rd $500, plus bragging rights.
