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Archive of posts published in the tag: voice

Quicklinks to @Amazon #Echo #Alexa Developer Resources

An intelligent personal assistant is a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual. Below are some quicklinks to @Amazon #Echo #Alexa developer resources: Creating Voice Experiences Using Alexa Skills Kit (Recorded Session) Voice Design 101 (Recorded Session) Alexa Skills…

Enabling Voice Communication on Android Apps

Check out the new guest post that I wrote on Enabling Voice Communication on Android Apps, for the Safari Books Online blog. It covers how to enable voice communication using the Android SIP Stack/API. Enabling voice communication on Android apps is possible via…

On Voice Apps (and Contextual Voice/Communications)

Image Source: The Future of the Web and Mobile (Feb 2007) For years I have been working on mobile and related software development. This has been a world of “data”-and consumer and enterprise applications and infrastructure, that for me started in 1999-2000 with…