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Archive of posts published in the tag: store

On App Stores (Guest Post by Kiran Mudiam)

This week guest post is by Dr. Kiran Mudiam, a long time mobile technologist and a researcher. Here is my take after reading all the letters sent to the FCC. We all know that there are positives and negatives to open and closed…

The Google App Market – An Analysis

I’ve written a quick analysis on the Google App Market situation… Looking forward to your feedback/opinions! You can download this article in PDF format. Download The Google App Market – An Analysis (PDF). The Google App Market – An Analysis September 6, 2009…

Resolving Device Fragmentation Issues – Mobile Web and Local Apps (and Google)

The Problem: Too many handsets, environments, and differences across platforms The Solution: A single environment/platform for mobile apps There you go, problem solved, no more fragmentation! Google at MobileBeat 2009 Now that the “noise” level has dropped, it is my turn to comment…

App Stores are the New Deck

Andrea Trasatti wrote that Everyone wants an App Store these days. Yes, very true. I was talking about this with Brian Fling at Mobile 2.0. Apple, Google, BlackBerry. The number of independent vendors. Next, network operators… App Stores are the new Deck. But…