Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

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Archive of posts published in the tag: Software

Low/No-Code in Software-Driven Organizations

Digital transformation means that organizations need to become software-driven. The Low/No-Code (L/NC) approach to software development, a point-and-click, drag-and-drop or configuration-based approach to creating applications, aims to disrupt how this transformation takes place. In this essay, I cover two perspectives on Low/No-Code: the…

AI gone bad

Another occurrence of AI gone bad. Earlier this year it was Microsoft’s Chatbot going racist. Now, Facebook’s automation software was trending fake news; keep in mind that, per the article, Facebook is a news source for 44% of US adults. Even if biased,…

What is definition of “Open” ?

There are lots of discussions happening in the blogosphere about what is the definition of Open (when talking about Android vs. iPhone). Many of these discussions are around open source software (OSS). But there are other views as well to be considered when…

On hardware vs. software-based handset differentiation

Is mobile handset differentiation based on hardware coming to an end? Back in 2007 I wrote a piece on my blog titled: The future of handset design: from hardware to software. And today this is getting more real (and validated) than ever. When…

The Decline and Fall of Agile

A good writeup by James Shore on The Decline and Fall of Agile (James Shore blog). Software development projects are a hard thing; not necessarily because of the software, but because people are involved. I’ve worked on the most mature (and rigid) software…