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Archive of posts published in the tag: payment

Mobility 2011: The Year of NFC?

(This is part of a series of blog posts on Mobility in 2011) Near-field Communications (NFC), the very short-range secure communications channel that will enable for a new breed of application interactions, is making a comeback. The year 2011 is, finally, the year…

On-bill App Store Purchases – finally, an operator leveraging their own infrastructure in new ways, on the new era of app stores

Operators have so much infrastructure already in place and it has taken them so many years to take advantage of it in news ways — to leverage such infrastructure for their own benefit and the benefit of the ecosystem, by repackaging and offering…

The Google App Market – An Analysis

I’ve written a quick analysis on the Google App Market situation… Looking forward to your feedback/opinions! You can download this article in PDF format. Download The Google App Market – An Analysis (PDF). The Google App Market – An Analysis September 6, 2009…