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Archive of posts published in the tag: nfc

On NFC, M2M and the Internet of Things (June 2011)

Near-field Communication (NFC) is a very-short range (proximity) radio communication technology introduced a number of years ago, but it is not until now that we are going to start seeing adoption and interesting applications that uses NFC. One is mobile payments, but there…

Mobility 2011: The Year of NFC?

(This is part of a series of blog posts on Mobility in 2011) Near-field Communications (NFC), the very short-range secure communications channel that will enable for a new breed of application interactions, is making a comeback. The year 2011 is, finally, the year…

Follow up discussion on Apple and NFC; Oh and Nokia

Back at Forum Oxford a lot of interesting debates occur. The topic on Apple and NFC is no exception. Being a European forum is no surprise how many Nokia fans get all ticked off about Apple, because things like NFC has been championed…

Apple and NFC — iPhone will trigger the Mobile RFID/NFC revolution

There is a lot of noise/rumors about Apple and NFC after Apple’s hiring of NFC expert sparks digital wallet rumors. NFC is one of those technologies that I have written quite a bit about (see my NFC/Touch page) and that I believe will…

Near-Field (Proximity) Communication in late 2009

It almost is the end of 2009. And where does near-field proximity communication-based applications stand? From mobile marketing, to customer loyalty, payments and authentication, to information exchange, transportation and health-care. Well, it still stands very far from its full potential. Due to its…

Will the iPhone trigger the Mobile RFID/NFC revolution?

Will history repeat itself? There was/is the 12 keys keypad cellphone. And few care about Touch. Then came the iPhone. Now everyone loves Touch. There was the operator Deck. Everyone hated the Deck. Then came Apple. And created the App Store. Now everyone…

Updated Near-Field Communication (NFC) Page

In response to @AjitJaokar at ForumOxford, I’ve updated my page on NFC to further explain NFC vs. RFID as well as the elements of a Java-based NFC mobile application; see NFC/Touch Page. “RFID” is a broad term that refers to Radio frequency ID.…