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Archive of posts published in the tag: networks

Enabling Voice Communication on Android Apps

Check out the new guest post that I wrote on Enabling Voice Communication on Android Apps, for the Safari Books Online blog. It covers how to enable voice communication using the Android SIP Stack/API. Enabling voice communication on Android apps is possible via…

Mobility in 2011 – The Network & Operators

(This is part of a series of blog posts on Mobility in 2011) Mobility in 2011: Networks & Operators Operators will continue their shift towards mobile data and packet services, and value add services, with a large increase on mobile network bandwidth (10X…

What is next and a continuation on the theme of convergence and reasons for a mobile boom

On my previous post, Looking back — Local faster, fresher, better…, a flashback, I wrote about after how in the last 3-4 years Mobility has reached a state of adoption and commoditization that many of us have been preaching for years now.

On Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom is Underway | Part 2

Back in April 2008, around a year after the introduction of the iPhone and Android, I wrote a piece on my blog on the Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom was Underway, where I introduced the diagram below that highlights the convergence between…