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Archive of posts published in the tag: network

The Austin Entrepreneur Network and The Idea Finishing School

A quick announcement about two great resources that are available to Central Texas entrepreneurs who are starting or who had started a business (a start-up) and need some help or direction. First my friend Hall Martin who runs the Austin Entrepreneur Network (…

Top 5 smartphones and MNOs – Q1 2009 (USA)

Via @hametner, a couple of handset and Mobile Network Operators (MNO) metrics of interest (USA). Top 5 U.S. smartphones sold in Q1 2009 BlackBerry Curve Apple iPhone 3G BlackBerry Storm BlackBerry Pearl T-Mobile G1 Note that 3 out of 5 are BlackBerry handsets,…

T-Mobile says Double Opt-In No Longer Required

One small step for T-Mobile, a bigger step for end-users… It would be great if all network providers dropped the “double opt-in” requirements that makes campaign certification (and re-certification over time) a pain in the neck, not to mention expensive. Instead, companies that…

The gods are being good to Network Operators

…or, the Network Providers/Operators must be having a blast. The network providers are doing just fine… new cool handsets here and there, handset exclusivity on certain networks, message usage is up, data consumption is up, new services are coming up, very cool applications…

What will drive differentiation across Android platform providers?

The Android platform is an open platform, governed by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). OHA has many members, and today it includes seven network operators and four handset manufacturers. While the platform itself should be consistent across vendors/providers, thank God, I wonder what…