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Archive of posts published in the tag: Motorola

On Google’s Moto Mobility Group Acquisition

The latest big news on Android is Google’s acquisition of Motorola’s Mobility group. And I have to say, I wasn’t expecting that one. The main arguments floating around on the acquisition are: Patent play, driven by the patent war including the recent Nortel…

Motorola announces DROID, the world’s first smartphone powered by Android 2.0

Today I received this from the Motorola marketing folks, here for your reading pleasure: Motorola today announced DROID, the first device powered by Android 2.0 and features the brainpower and breakneck speed of a modern smartphone. DROID is designed to outperform where other…

Motorola, the Recession, Android, what about MIDP3, and the potential for good things to come

From Recession Delays Motorola Cellphone Spinoff, More Cuts Coming (MOT) (Sillicon Alley Insider): 8:24 Have had too much complexity. Today over 20 combinations of software, silicon, and UI platforms. This has resulted in high costs and portfolio gaps in 3G, smartphones, very low…