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Archive of posts published in the tag: mobile

September Must be 2010’s Mobile & Wireless Month

There are so many mobile-related events in September alone that with (at least) 28 days of mobile events, September should be designated as 2010’s Mobile Month; see below: Mobile Future Forward, Sept 8, Seattle Over the Air, Sept 10, London APP Nation Conference,…

SXSW 2011 PanelPicker | Vote now; voting ends Aug 27, 2010

A reminder that the 2011 SXSW Interactive PanelPicker community voting is open and that voting ends Aug 27, 2010. SXSW Interactive is on March 11-15, 2011. For SXSW Interactive alone there are 2344 sessions! Wow. And for mobile/wireless and mobile apps there are…

What is next and a continuation on the theme of convergence and reasons for a mobile boom

On my previous post, Looking back — Local faster, fresher, better…, a flashback, I wrote about after how in the last 3-4 years Mobility has reached a state of adoption and commoditization that many of us have been preaching for years now.

So what is or should be Microsoft’s strategy for mobile?

So it has begun, Microsoft announced that slowing (killing) the KIN product: “We have made the decision to focus exclusively on Windows Phone 7 and we will not ship KIN in Europe this fall as planned. Additionally, we are integrating our KIN team…

The mobile handset as a platform for solving complex computational problems

Today I saw a short video that shows how powerful the mobile handset continues to become, in this case solving a Rubik’s Cube in seconds by using image capture, advanced algorithms and a powerful mobile platform, a Motorola Droid. The Droid is based…

On Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom is Underway | Part 2

Back in April 2008, around a year after the introduction of the iPhone and Android, I wrote a piece on my blog on the Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom was Underway, where I introduced the diagram below that highlights the convergence between…

Three Cool Mobile Events on 1st week of May 2010 | The Mobile Web & Widgets, The Business of Location, ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010

There will be three cool mobile events on the first week of May: May 3rd – MobileMonday Austin | Topic: Mobile Web & Widgets May 5th – Rice Alliance – Austin Chapter | Topic: The Business of Location: Making Money with Geo-Aware Services…

MobileMonday Austin | Mobile Web Runtimes, Flash and Widgets | May 3rd 2010

We are set. Next MobileMonday Austin event is on May 3rd, 2010. Seating is limited! Please register at the MobileMonday Austin website. Topic: Mobile Web Runtimes, Widgets and Flash with speakers: Kirk Ballou of Flash Widgets Dan Podwall of Nokia Web Runtime Tools…

Calling All Developers | Mobile Developer Survey

Our friends at VisionMobile are conducting a mobile developer survey, sponsored by O2 Litmus. The survey close date has been extended to March 26 and the results will be published in Q2 2010. And there are prizes! All participants will be included in…

We had an awesome MobileMonday Austin Feb 2010 | Thanks to our sponsor Skyhook Wireless

Wow, what a great MobileMonday Austin event we had last Monday Feb 22. With around 120 people attending, a great agenda and speakers, and a good time, it is safe to call the event a success. The opening by David, the demos by…