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Archive of posts published in the tag: mobile

Congratulations to Filament Labs, Winner of the Mobile Monday Austin App/Startup Showcase at TWS 2013

“With such convergence happening with technology and healthcare, especially right here in Austin, and especially with mobile technology, it is great to see a company like Filament Labs be recognized,” said C. Enrique Ortiz, organizer of Mobile Monday Austin. At the recently completed…

Android 4.4 (KitKat) is Here!

Check out the new guest post that I wrote on Android 4.4, for the Safari Books Online blog. It summarizes what is new on Android and related important information. In this post we will explore the major changes introduced in Android 4.4. Android…

Betting on Nokia (2013)

(Image source: Have you given up on Nokia? From my perspective, due to its recent (couple of years old) debacles and endeavors with MSFT, I had stayed away from Nokia. I never believed on how their MSFT strategy was approached. Nokia should…

App Showcase at Texas Wireless Summit 2013 (Oct 18)

The 11th annual Texas Wireless Summit (Oct 18, 2013) continues the tradition of providing a forum for industry leaders and academics to discuss emerging technologies and business models that will shape the industry over the upcoming two to three years. As in previous…

On Voice Apps (and Contextual Voice/Communications)

Image Source: The Future of the Web and Mobile (Feb 2007) For years I have been working on mobile and related software development. This has been a world of “data”-and consumer and enterprise applications and infrastructure, that for me started in 1999-2000 with…

Dell is going Private (2013)

A month after I wrote Dell to exit global smartphone business, now I hear rumors that Dell is going private. Many years ago I was predicting that an Asian company would buy Dell, but I wasn’t expecting Dell going private. The Dell story…

Startup Showcase at Texas Wireless Summit 2012

This Friday October 26, 2012 is the Texas Wireless Summit. And as part of the event we are having the annual Mobile Monday Austin Startup Showcase. (Also, don’t forget that on Oct 22 we are having our regular Mobile Monday Austin event at…

Total Time Spend Using Mobile Web vs. Apps (October 2012)

Saw this today at BI website… Source: Apps More And More Important Than The Mobile Web (Business Intelligence). Original report by Nielsen. The above is self-explanatory… What I find ‘funny’ is that over time I have noticed that Business Intelligence’s opinion on “native…

The Eternal Debate — MoMo London Event on HTML5 v.s. Native (Sept 2012)

Image Source: Mobile App Testing Blog Seems that I missed a very good debate. I just read a blog on MoMo London event on HTML5 v.s. Native. Seems like an eternal debate. Today in 2012, I am still amazed we still are debating…

Android Platform Versions (2012)

Below is a snapshot of the Android platform distribution, as of September 2012. As you can see, the majority of the devices out there, close to 60%, are still 2.3 (Gingerbread). This is followed by ICS with close to 21%. Froyo 2.2 is…