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Archive of posts published in the tag: jquery

Introduction to jQuery Mobile (May 2012)

See my latest article, Introduction to jQuery Mobile (developerWorks). This article, an update to my original Intro to jQuery Mobile (Feb 2011), introduces the basics in the latest version of jQuery Mobile. Learn about browser support, the UI components, and the API. “Summary:…

Article: Introduction to jQuery plug-ins

My most recent article is on jQuery plug-ins… See Introduction to jQuery plug-ins (developerWorks). The jQuery JavaScript library has excellent support for extensibility through plug-ins that you can consume, write, and share. In this article, learn about the benefits of creating a jQuery…

Article: DOM-based data storage and retrieval using jQuery

See my latest article titled DOM-based data storage and retrieval using jQuery. It covers the jQuery data() APIs and HTML5 data-* attributes in your jQuery-powered applications… Summary: The popular, and free (MIT and GPL-licensed), jQuery JavaScript library has a concise and portable set…

Article: Introduction to jQuery Mobile

My first article for 2011, meet the jQuery Mobile framework. This article provides an introduction to the jQuery Mobile framework. Learn the basics of the framework and how to write a functional mobile web application user interface with minimal or no JavaScript code…