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Archive of posts published in the tag: Google

Android Platforms Adoption (May 2015)

Every year I like to take a snapshot of Android platforms adoption for historical purposes. Below is the Android platform comparison 2015 vs. 2014. (Search my blog for previous ones). Keeping track of platform adoption is important as it directly impacts what developers…

Android and Microsoft (2015)

(Image Source: Mario Tomás Serrafero) I find this interesting: the recent move by MSFT to get into and “steal” the Android space. Today, thanks to new leadership at MSFT (Nadella), it seems the company is entering a new phase — with new vision…

Google is the Master of Personalization…

This is personalization well done. It is the little things… Thank you, Google.

Android App Ops *WAS* a Step Forward

Android App Ops is no more… Two weeks after I wrote Android App Ops is a Step Forward, Google has disabled/removed the permission manager. After the Android 4.4.2 update, invoking the App Ops app results in a RuntimeException. The R.I.P. permission manager, a…

Google Ads are not really relevant anymore

Over time, I have seen the behavior of Google Ads on my weblog change behavior. Today, when I visit websites, including my own blog, I no longer see content-relevant Ads. Digging around I found information on how ads are targeted to your site:…

Texas GDG TX DevFest 2013

[Google invited me to give this talk, but expanded, in Kansas City on Aug 23rd. Stay tuned for more info] Next Fri and Sat July 12 – 13 in Austin is the Texas’ GDG TX DevFest. There will be multiple session tracks on…

Android Platform Versions (2012)

Below is a snapshot of the Android platform distribution, as of September 2012. As you can see, the majority of the devices out there, close to 60%, are still 2.3 (Gingerbread). This is followed by ICS with close to 21%. Froyo 2.2 is…

On SmartTVs: The Vizio Co-Star (2012)

Vizio Co-Star is NO-GO. Part of creating a product is providing proper customer support throughout its life-cycle. A product life-cycle begins with product envisioning, followed by definition, followed by create/build, followed by going to market (which on itself consists of different aspects including…

Google I/O Extended Austin (2012)

While the major Google I/O fun is happening in San Francisco on June 27-29, some of us will stay behind and run/participate at the Extended version of Google I/O — in my case, Google I/O Extended Austin. You can sign up for Google…

APIs and Copyrights (Oracle vs. Google)

The Oracle vs. Google case on Java is such a precedence case that any ruling on APIs vs. copyright might open a can of worms. The outcome of this ruling literally will affect any software company and developers designing APIs (and protecting those…