Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

Tag Archives

Archive of posts published in the tag: c. enrique ortiz

Tag/Word Cloud (Apr 2013)

Every so often, I like to run a “tag or word cloud” against my Weblog (and Twitter). I then capture the output for future reference. This is a great, cool way of capturing a snapshot of topics that I write about at that…

Mobile Web influencer interview – C. Enrique Ortiz

Ajit Jaokar from London’s Futuretext (and the Open Gardens blog) interviewed me on the state and future of mobile web… Following Dan Appelquist’s interview, I am very pleased to present the next Mobile Web Influencer interview – Good friend and industry guru C.…

SIM Card Overview

I put together a SIM Card Overview. It provides quick introduction to SIM Cards, standards, some industry numbers, Java Card, and the Smartcard Web Server, and links to Gemalto tools. SIM Card Overview View more documents from C. Enrique Ortiz. ceo

The Google App Market – An Analysis

I’ve written a quick analysis on the Google App Market situation… Looking forward to your feedback/opinions! You can download this article in PDF format. Download The Google App Market – An Analysis (PDF). The Google App Market – An Analysis September 6, 2009…