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Archive of posts published in the tag: Austin

Austin Mobile Scene | May 2011

This month of May 2011 has been a great month with respect to the Austin mobile scene. Below is a summary of just the events that I help organize or contribute to somehow: Mobile Monday Austin, Android Dev Austin, Google IO Extended Austin,…

Google I/O Extended | Austin

Austin Google I/O Extended is on May 10th and 11th at the Google’s offices. Google will be live-streaming this year’s I/O conference to sites around the world. If you live in or near Austin and want to attend the live-streaming event, sign up…

Reminder: Android Dev Austin | Feb 17, 2011

A reminder that our next Android Dev Austin meeting is this Thursday Feb 17 at 6pm, at the T-Mobile offices. Sponsored by T-Mobile, we will have an overview of T-Mobile’s integration of WiFi calling into Android devices followed by open format with local…

Android Dev Austin | Feb 17, 2011

A quick heads up that our next Android Dev Austin (@androiddevaus) meeting is on Feb 17 at 6pm, at the T-Mobile offices. Sponsored by T-Mobile, we will have an overview of T-Mobile’s Android strategy followed by open format with local Android developers who…

Next Android Dev Austin | Dec 7, 2010

Folks, after a quiet, busy time, we finally have an Android Dev Austin scheduled for Dec 7, 2010; mark your calendars. >> PLEASE RSVP for headcount at

MobileMonday/AppCircus Austin Showcase @ TWS 2010 – And the Winner Is…

We had a wonderful showcase at the Texas Wireless Summit 2010, with 12 companies participating: Callvine edioma Famigo Games GameSalad GetYa Learn On Hurricane Party MapMyFitness MediaSourcery QRANK SocialMuse SocialSmack TabbedOut Great interactions and demos all across… The companies were judged based on…

Invitation to MobileMonday-AppCircus Showcase at the Texas Wireless Summit

This is an invitation to all Mobile Startups in Austin to participate at the MobileMonday Austin Showcase at the upcoming Texas Wireless Summit; read below. If you would like to participate please email me at eortiz [at] mobilemondayaustin [dot] com. On Nov 16th,…

MobileMonday Austin (Nov 2010) | Nielsen on Mobile Applications and Connected Devices

I posted at the MobileMonday Austin website information about the next event… Please note that seating is limited; please register and reserve your seating and enter the raffle to win a new Nokia N8. For registration and more information, please visit the MobileMonday…

Three Cool Mobile Events on 1st week of May 2010 | The Mobile Web & Widgets, The Business of Location, ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010

There will be three cool mobile events on the first week of May: May 3rd – MobileMonday Austin | Topic: Mobile Web & Widgets May 5th – Rice Alliance – Austin Chapter | Topic: The Business of Location: Making Money with Geo-Aware Services…

Post SXSW 2010

This is my first blog after SXSW 2010. After an intense week, I got sick like a dog, and after recovering got super busy with my real day job — bring to market Motive‘s mobile broadband solution for call centers; the level of…