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Archive of posts published in the tag: ati

MobileMonday/AppCircus Austin Showcase @ TWS 2010 – And the Winner Is…

We had a wonderful showcase at the Texas Wireless Summit 2010, with 12 companies participating: Callvine edioma Famigo Games GameSalad GetYa Learn On Hurricane Party MapMyFitness MediaSourcery QRANK SocialMuse SocialSmack TabbedOut Great interactions and demos all across… The companies were judged based on…

Invitation to MobileMonday-AppCircus Showcase at the Texas Wireless Summit

This is an invitation to all Mobile Startups in Austin to participate at the MobileMonday Austin Showcase at the upcoming Texas Wireless Summit; read below. If you would like to participate please email me at eortiz [at] mobilemondayaustin [dot] com. On Nov 16th,…