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Archive of posts published in the tag: Apps

Enabling Voice Communication on Android Apps

Check out the new guest post that I wrote on Enabling Voice Communication on Android Apps, for the Safari Books Online blog. It covers how to enable voice communication using the Android SIP Stack/API. Enabling voice communication on Android apps is possible via…

Security & Privacy on Mobile Apps, Part 1 – Introduction

This is Part 1 of a series on Security & Privacy for Mobile Apps. (Note: in this article mobile apps means both native and webapps) Are you Serious About Security on your mobile apps or webapps? Security and privacy is an area that…

On Android, Distribution, Buzz, Pre-insalled apps and Crapware

Responding to Tomi‘s thread on ForumOxford, where he wrote: “The best phone in the world cannot take the mobile phone market, unless there is distribution.” Yes. Which is exactly why Android seems to me that it will be widely adopted. And it will…

Resolving Device Fragmentation Issues – Mobile Web and Local Apps (and Google)

The Problem: Too many handsets, environments, and differences across platforms The Solution: A single environment/platform for mobile apps There you go, problem solved, no more fragmentation! Google at MobileBeat 2009 Now that the “noise” level has dropped, it is my turn to comment…

Call for Submissions – VentureBeat Announces the “It’s the application, stupid!” Competition For Outstanding Mobile Apps

VentureBeat is looking to recognize Mobile innovation at the second annual MobileBeat Top Startup Competition. Last year the awards went to firms such as AdMob and Loopt. This year the competition shifts to mobile applications and services, with 50 finalists to be determined…

On Mobile Applications, Platforms and Monetization — “Show me the Money”

I’ve been keeping track of a very interesting thread at Forum Oxford (FOROX) on the topic of Android phone dissapointing developers (w.r.t. iPhone), with Jason Delport, Alex Kerr, William Volk (who started the thread) and others adding their different perspectives on the matter.…

Reminder this evening (Sun Mar 15) – Mobile Web Apps & Widgets Meet-Up @ Driskill

A reminder that this evening, Sunday March 15 don’t miss the “Mobile Web Apps & Widgets Meet-Up” at 5:00pm: Event: Mobile Web Apps & Widgets Meet-Up “Find out about your chance to win £20,000″ What: Informational Meeting Host: Vodfone/Betavine & OMTP Start Time:…

Update – Diagram on Mobile Applications: Browser, Lightweight, Local-based Apps

I’ve updated my diagram on non-messaging Mobile Applications: Browser, Lightweight, Local-based Applications (click to enlarge): I will be using this diagram on an upcoming article that I’ve been cooking for a while. ceo

Mobile Apps in 2009: Local/Native, Mobile Web, App Stores

Happy 2009 New Year to all my readers. My first post of the year is about mobile applications: local/native vs. web, and app-stores. App-stores have been shifting the balance on application development and distribution (back) towards local/native applications. I don’t mean to undermine…