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Archive of posts published in the tag: apple

Objective-C, Working with Protocols, and Law enforcement officials

It is interesting the first paragraph of Working with Protocols (from Apple’s Developer Website, Programming with Objective-C). Is Apple making a point? :-) Working with Protocols In the real world, people on official business are often required to follow strict procedures when dealing with certain…

On “Japan as the (mobile) leader, USA as the laggard, Nokia in between” and developers, developers, developers, developers

As discussions and opinions continue at Forxum Oxford on the topic of mobile leadership and Nokia and so forth, the following statement was made by Tomi Ahonen, for which I responded as follows. Why I am writing about this? Because it is important…

Follow up discussion on Apple and NFC; Oh and Nokia

Back at Forum Oxford a lot of interesting debates occur. The topic on Apple and NFC is no exception. Being a European forum is no surprise how many Nokia fans get all ticked off about Apple, because things like NFC has been championed…

Apple and NFC — iPhone will trigger the Mobile RFID/NFC revolution

There is a lot of noise/rumors about Apple and NFC after Apple’s hiring of NFC expert sparks digital wallet rumors. NFC is one of those technologies that I have written quite a bit about (see my NFC/Touch page) and that I believe will…

On Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom is Underway | Part 2

Back in April 2008, around a year after the introduction of the iPhone and Android, I wrote a piece on my blog on the Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom was Underway, where I introduced the diagram below that highlights the convergence between…

Will the iPhone trigger the Mobile RFID/NFC revolution?

Will history repeat itself? There was/is the 12 keys keypad cellphone. And few care about Touch. Then came the iPhone. Now everyone loves Touch. There was the operator Deck. Everyone hated the Deck. Then came Apple. And created the App Store. Now everyone…

On hardware vs. software-based handset differentiation

Is mobile handset differentiation based on hardware coming to an end? Back in 2007 I wrote a piece on my blog titled: The future of handset design: from hardware to software. And today this is getting more real (and validated) than ever. When…

On App Stores (Guest Post by Kiran Mudiam)

This week guest post is by Dr. Kiran Mudiam, a long time mobile technologist and a researcher. Here is my take after reading all the letters sent to the FCC. We all know that there are positives and negatives to open and closed…