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Archive of posts published in the tag: Android

Teaching Beginning Android

I started teaching Beginning Android at the Austin Community College. This is a beginners-to-med level class on Android programming and is the first time me teaching this class. Here are my (twelve) students! ceo

On Google’s Moto Mobility Group Acquisition

The latest big news on Android is Google’s acquisition of Motorola’s Mobility group. And I have to say, I wasn’t expecting that one. The main arguments floating around on the acquisition are: Patent play, driven by the patent war including the recent Nortel…

Reminder: Android Dev Austin | Feb 17, 2011

A reminder that our next Android Dev Austin meeting is this Thursday Feb 17 at 6pm, at the T-Mobile offices. Sponsored by T-Mobile, we will have an overview of T-Mobile’s integration of WiFi calling into Android devices followed by open format with local…

Android Dev Austin | Feb 17, 2011

A quick heads up that our next Android Dev Austin (@androiddevaus) meeting is on Feb 17 at 6pm, at the T-Mobile offices. Sponsored by T-Mobile, we will have an overview of T-Mobile’s Android strategy followed by open format with local Android developers who…

Article: Introduction to Facebook SDK for Android

Write Facebook apps for the Android platform with the Facebook Android SDK… You can incorporate Facebook functionality into your own applications. From the mobile perspective, the Facebook Platform supports APIs for mobile web applications, and mobile SDKs for native mobile applications for the…

Article: Understanding Android local data store APIs

“The ability to store data locally on the mobile device is a critical function for mobile applications that are required to maintain essential information across application-executions or the lifetime of the application. As a developer, you constantly need to store information such as…

Next Android Dev Austin | Dec 7, 2010

Folks, after a quiet, busy time, we finally have an Android Dev Austin scheduled for Dec 7, 2010; mark your calendars. >> PLEASE RSVP for headcount at

Article: Understanding security on Android

“When you develop Android applications, you must deal with a number of security-related aspects, including application processes and sandboxes, code and data sharing, system protection through application signing, and permissions use.” See my article Understanding security on Android (IBM developerWorks) which introduces the…

What is definition of “Open” ?

There are lots of discussions happening in the blogosphere about what is the definition of Open (when talking about Android vs. iPhone). Many of these discussions are around open source software (OSS). But there are other views as well to be considered when…

An Overview of the Facebook APIs

See my most recent blog article, An Overview of the Facebook APIs (Telefonica Developer’s Blog), an introduction to the different Facebook Platform APIs and their applicability to mobile. Enjoy… ceo