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Archive of posts published in the tag: 2016

Let’s not forget… (2016)

Let’s not forget… Fifteen years ago, it was a Tuesday morning. The year was 2001. The attack came, in the form of airplanes and souls. Let’s not forget those who perished. Let’s not forget what was at the center of that horrible act.…

4th Generation of Mobile (Aug 2016)

Mobile adoption is still growing. A good example is Facebook with 1 Billion+ users and around 56% of its user-base being mobile-only users as of July 2016 (see source). Mobile adoption has matured — apps are not dying. Instead when you have the…

Happy New Year/2016

Happy New Year, my dear Friends… Let 2016 be an awesome year, full of health and prosperity… Truly yours, C. Enrique Ortiz (CEO) Attributions: See image source.