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Archive of posts published in the tag: 2010

September Must be 2010’s Mobile & Wireless Month

There are so many mobile-related events in September alone that with (at least) 28 days of mobile events, September should be designated as 2010’s Mobile Month; see below: Mobile Future Forward, Sept 8, Seattle Over the Air, Sept 10, London APP Nation Conference,…

Apple and NFC — iPhone will trigger the Mobile RFID/NFC revolution

There is a lot of noise/rumors about Apple and NFC after Apple’s hiring of NFC expert sparks digital wallet rumors. NFC is one of those technologies that I have written quite a bit about (see my NFC/Touch page) and that I believe will…

Three Cool Mobile Events on 1st week of May 2010 | The Mobile Web & Widgets, The Business of Location, ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010

There will be three cool mobile events on the first week of May: May 3rd – MobileMonday Austin | Topic: Mobile Web & Widgets May 5th – Rice Alliance – Austin Chapter | Topic: The Business of Location: Making Money with Geo-Aware Services…

The Central Texas Entrepreneur Funding Symposium ’10

The Central Texas Entrepreneur Funding Symposium ’10 is a one-day conference for entrepreneurs ready to go to the next level and looking for the funding to make it happen. The event designed to provide entrepreneurs with the information they need to adequately fund…

Post SXSW 2010

This is my first blog after SXSW 2010. After an intense week, I got sick like a dog, and after recovering got super busy with my real day job — bring to market Motive‘s mobile broadband solution for call centers; the level of…

Mobile Trends 2020

Rudy De Waele (@mtrends) has put together a collaborative outlook of the mobile trends for the next 10 years: Update: Mobile Trends 2020 has been updated to include views from Russell Buckley, Tomi Ahonen, Yuri van Geest, Kelly Goto, Raj Singh, David Harper,…

Personal reflections on mobile 2000-2009 and welcome to 2010 and the new decade

With my first blog post of 2010 I would like to wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010. And with the new year and the new decade, I reflect on the previous decade and my involvement with mobile; writing this…

SXSW 2010 Panel submission closes tonight at midnight CST

Yes, that’s right, the SXSW 2010 Panel submission closes tonight at midnight CST (July 12, 2009) — submit your entry at the 2010 Panelpicker website. Submit your mobile panel today!!! ceo