I’ve laugh every time I read Fake Steve Jobs writings on Steven J. Vaughan (SJV) tendencies to “leverage” other people’s work.

And the reason I laugh is because like four years ago, SJV did the same thing to me. In my case I’d written an article on CodeWarrior and Symbian (or Palm OS, can’t remember right now). Then one day I found my work embedded inside another article, an article written by SJV, and with no attribution at all! Not too nice. So I emailed him. And replied back, but I can’t remember what he wrote; I’ve the emails in my inbox.

It doesn’t matter anymore, unless he does it again. Wait, he did, to others. Fucking DeJa Vu.

For the record, I am OK with people referring to and/or using my stuff, but, with proper attribution being given; it’s not only the right thing to do, it’s the fair thing to do.


[Image source: Fake Steve Jobs]