Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

On Google’s Moto Mobility Group Acquisition

The latest big news on Android is Google’s acquisition of Motorola’s Mobility group. And I have to say, I wasn’t expecting that one. The main arguments floating around on the acquisition are: Patent play, driven by the patent war including the recent Nortel…

Are we still talking about WORA?

A friend of mine who works at Phunware recently pointed me to their blog to read about a recent acquisition they have made; very cool, congrats. Then a recent blog post of theirs caught my eye (as it is a topic close to…

Launch of STS-135 Atlantis (final mission of the Space Shuttle)

Video of the last Space Shuttle launch (Atlantis, STS-135) as I saw it on July 8th, 2011… (thanks to James Daniels for the video editing/rotation effects) This is from 7 miles away. If you listen carefully, you can hear the double-boom as the…

Looking back at the Space Shuttle Program

May 30, 2020. This is a blog post from 2011 that I wrote in honor of the Space Shuttle and its last launch (STS-135). Here I capture some of my experiences working in the space program. In honor of today’s launch– the return…

Mobile Web influencer interview – C. Enrique Ortiz

Ajit Jaokar from London’s Futuretext (and the Open Gardens blog) interviewed me on the state and future of mobile web… Following Dan Appelquist’s interview, I am very pleased to present the next Mobile Web Influencer interview – Good friend and industry guru C.…

On NFC, M2M and the Internet of Things (June 2011)

Near-field Communication (NFC) is a very-short range (proximity) radio communication technology introduced a number of years ago, but it is not until now that we are going to start seeing adoption and interesting applications that uses NFC. One is mobile payments, but there…

Rush Time Machine In Austin (June 12, 2011)

Tonight, Rush the band is playing in Austin, Texas. I’ve seen them a number of times already, and I cannot wait to see them again; Rush is indeed one of the best bands ever… Because it is the 30th anniversary of the Moving…

On “Japan as the (mobile) leader, USA as the laggard, Nokia in between” and developers, developers, developers, developers

As discussions and opinions continue at Forxum Oxford on the topic of mobile leadership and Nokia and so forth, the following statement was made by Tomi Ahonen, for which I responded as follows. Why I am writing about this? Because it is important…

On Microsoft and Nokia (June 2011)

Here revisiting the Microsoft and Nokia relationship, are we witnessing the death of Nokia? Or it’s rebirth? Nokia is big and powerful, with lots of money, so perhaps the relationship becomes a merger, like a “Microsoft Nokia”-branded company. That would be a huge…

Austin Mobile Scene | May 2011

This month of May 2011 has been a great month with respect to the Austin mobile scene. Below is a summary of just the events that I help organize or contribute to somehow: Mobile Monday Austin, Android Dev Austin, Google IO Extended Austin,…