Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

Mobile Monday Austin | Nokia USA Tour visits Austin – Apr 30, 2012

Please join us April 30 for our next event when Nokia visits Austin for its “Nokia Lumia USA Tour” WHEN: April 30, 6-9pm WHERE: Buffalo Billiards, 201 E. 6th St. WHO: Mobile Monday Austin & Nokia Please RSVP at Eventbrite: If you…

Most Beautiful Video of the Northern Lights (2012)

This is most beautiful HD Time-Lapse Video of the Northern Lights that I have ever seen. Amazing work by Ole C. Salomonsen. Watch in full-screen! “As solar storms reach a maximum in 2012-2013, the northern lights are more beautiful than ever. Ole C.…

Update to SimpleOrderedHashtable tech-tip and other (April 2012)

The SimpleOrderedHashtable tech-tip has been updated; see Tech-Tip: A Simple Ordered Hashtable ( I also updated the Simple URL encoder tech-tip and moved the code to Gist; see Tech-Tip: Simple URL Encoder. I am moving all my code examples to Gist — an…

Mobile Trends 2020 | Project Glass – Google’s Augmented Reality Glasses

Source: Project Glass G+ page Back in January of 2010, Mobilist Rudy de Waele asked a number of us to predict the Mobile Trends for the decade of 2010-2020. The result of this was a great compendium of views on things to come…

Today: Mobile Monday Austin @ SXSW Interactive 2012

All, a reminder that today March 12, 2012, we are having 2 Mobile Monday Austin events: 1) At noon, we will be hosting a lunch/networking event for SXSWers to meet Austin mobile companies. This is at the Alcatel-Lucent trend lounge (room 406 at…

Mobile Monday Austin @ SXSWi 2012 (Unofficial)

So we are a week or so away from SXSW Interactive 2012. I am super excited, as always. And per tradition, the Mobile Monday Austin board (Carlo Longino, David Gill, Michael Yuan, Mario OCampo, Bart Bohn, and yours truly, C. Enrique Ortiz) are…

Proclamation: February 6 is Awesome Day in Austin

February 6 is now officially Awesome Day in Austin, Texas. The Mayor of the City of Austin, Mayor Lee Leffingwell, just proclaimed February 6 as “Awesome Day” in honor of the launch of the Austin chapter (@atxawesome) of the Awesome Foundation. As one…

Teaching Beginning Android

I started teaching Beginning Android at the Austin Community College. This is a beginners-to-med level class on Android programming and is the first time me teaching this class. Here are my (twelve) students! ceo

Happy 2012 – a new year, new challenges, new team, new phase

New year and new challenges. I started helping Chaotic Moon Studios, one of the top mobile services companies in Austin today. After 10+ years in the mobile software space I can say that while the space is still relatively young in many ways…

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a wonderful time with your family and friends and community. Happy Holidays — Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy New Year, Prospero Año Nuevo… I wish for a strong 2012 for you and your family — one full of new opportunities, prosperity…