In God we trust; all others must bring data...

About AOL for Sale…

By now I am sure that you have heard or read the AOL acquisition rumors — rumors that Microsoft may aquire AOL… This rumor got Slashdotted, and Russell Beattie wrote about this as well, and as always, Russ provided his insights and food-for-thought…

J2ME is not MIDP!

Facts: (J2ME != MIDP) -and- (MIDP belongs to J2ME) Let me explain what I mean and where am I coming from… I keep encountering articles that keep confusing readers about what J2ME really is. For example, this morning I went over an article…

The Painful Reality of Writing Mobility Apps…

Today I finally hooked-up with a friend, a serial founder and CTO of mobility startup companies, who I haven't talked to for some months now. So I said “hey, so how are things going?” His response “I hate handsets”… And I understand his…

Great Mobile Monday Austin — Sept

We had a great September Mobile Monday Austin event… topic was Wireless Messaging with SMS and MMS. Checkout the Mobile Monday Austin website for comments and photos. ceo

Weblog is back…

I have installed blojsom… And this is my first post using it. Blojsom is definitely very easy to install and manage — I like it very much so far… Had to do some tweaks here and there, but it is all cool. Many… Weblog has Moved…. weblog has moved…. Please note the new URL: ceo — C. Enrique Ortiz Web Page: Web Log:

Guidelines for Location-based Software (LBS) Developers

Russell Buckley of the Mobile Technology Weblog wrote a very good entry about his perspective on location tracking and employees. It is a good read. He refers to my Guidelines for LBS Applications, which I hope helps create awareness about this important area/situation.…

What Makes a Killer App?

I truly believe that the killer application is about two things: better access to people, better access to information. This means that there is no single killer app. For some, the killer app is about access to their “corporate data”, to others is…

Data Sync API for J2ME Early Draft is Available for Review

Earlier this month the Data Sync API EG released an early draft of the spec for (your) review… read below for details. As you may know, data synchronization is one of the key approaches (together with plain-ole HTTP, Web Services, SOA, etc) to…

New at (Nov. 12th, 2004)

New to tech-tip section: “A Generic LCDUI Form” “A Simple Ordered Hashtable” Also revisited “Comments on Nokia SOA”… Visit ceo — C. Enrique Ortiz Web Page: Web Log: