Tomi T. Ahonen

If there is a person who truly gets mobility today, and where it is (or should be) headed to, that is Tomi T. Ahonen, best-seller author, lecturer and consultant, who together with Alan Moore, maintains the blog Communities Dominate Brands. Another such individual, visionary is Andreas S. Weigend, of People & Data.

Tomi recently wrote a very interesting and accurate piece titled Datamining our identity, digital footprint, and social context, where he covers the three core concepts of identity, digital footprint, and social context; concepts that I relate to, as those are at the center of what we do at eZee inc.

At some point I will be writing more about these concepts but today I’ll say that Tomi is right on the spot, on the next steps forward in mobile. The concepts that he covers are not new, concepts that many of us have been preaching for a long time, but the difference today is that finally, all the right factors are converging — see Reasons Why The Mobile/Wireless Usage Boom Is Underway.

From context (which includes the social context), to understanding behavior, to accurately predict and personalize content, to the ability to influence behavior, I call this People-centric mobile computing, these concepts are not limited to advertising and marketing. Due to the nature of mobility itself, and the mobile handsets’ characteristics and how they are used for communication and information access (as opposed to laptops and desktops), the ability to quickly bring the right information using the right format through the right channels, will continue to play a strong role in the quest to maximize the use and capabilities of mobile devices. And eventually this type of advanced experience will be expected, and will be commoditized. But today, while navigating the waters of network and device restrictions and limitations, and limited but growing adoption, we are learning and working on how to deliver this kind of advanced experience.
