Joel writes about
Bribing Bloggers, and that …there's an interesting debate going on about whether bloggers should accept gifts from vendors.”

Come on… what is this? It is not for anyone to say or debate about what other (bloggers) should do, accept, write or whatever… Sure, there is an implied ethical line, where the blogger should make clear any conflict of interests (that might effect a story or article), but that is obviously up to the blogger.. and if you are reading a blogger who is not, don't read that content…
Trust is earned by example.

BTW, if you want give me handsets, many of them, especially the most recent models from SE, Motorola, Nokia and others, especially with active subscriptions, that would be great, or maybe that P990i or N80 that I've been wanting, feel free to do so… in exchange I'll write something about it, like a review… :-)
