Nokia to buy Intellisync. Interesting. A couple of years ago while at AGEA, I had business/partnership interactions with Pumatech, now Intellisync. Back then Pumatech swallowed Atlanta-based Synchrologic, another company I dealt with, who had a very neat/robust synchronization product — if I recall correctly this merge was a result of a patent infringement battle between the two. Pumatech then acquired the Motorola subsidiary Starfish Software, a SyncML pioneer. Those of you doing mobility a number of years ago should remember those companies, pioneers and innovators on data synchronization, all now under Intellisync. Since then Intellisync has acquired other companies in the email and VPN space. I just wanted to mentioned those other companies before they get forgotten, companies I believe made an impact in the development/evolution of mobile data sync. Congrats to the Intellisync folks…

[via MobileTracker]
