…neat, we are set for our winter ski vacation… Mont Tremblant… very nice… our first trip to Canada… I'm looking forward to it…



Update Jun 26 ’08 – removed Mont Tremblant photo, which I linked to directly to the Mont Tremblant website. But because an idiot continues to harass me about the copyright photo, even though I provided the source of the photo, but the idiot doesn’t identify himself (chicken), and I am tired of the idiot leaving comments, and have no time for the idiot, thus, I am removing the photo. There you go idiot. At the minimum have the decency of identifying yourself. No free advertisement for you. And since I don’t need the stupid photo anyways, was trying to help create awareness. But just because, I am still linking to it, here: this is the link to the photo. Ha! I win!

Update Jun 28 ’08 – I’ve strike-out the comment above; I take back all the comments above; I was irrational when written. My apologies to the owner. My apologies. Next time, identify yourself, please. This would have been MUCH easier. Link has been strike-out. Let me know if you still want me to totally remove the link. I’ve lost. Done. I’m glad at least I was able to make you “identify” yourself vs. a true idiot just with nothing else to do. My apologies again.