MoMo Austin

Mark your calendars…

Please register for the event at (so we have a headcount to go by).

The next MobileMonday Austin is scheduled for Feb 23rd. The topic is on rich/local applications and App Stores. We will have industry/market and information on developing local/rich applications for iPhone and Android and other, and the importance/impact of App Stores.

For more information and dates, please visit the newly redesigned MobileMonday Austin website at (feedback is welcome).

If you would like to speak/present, please send me an email to enrique dot ortiz at gmail dot com.

Also, we are planning on having a MobileMonday Austin event during SXSW Interactive on March 16… mark your calendars. Again, please refer to the MobileMonday website for info and dates.

Last but not least, if anyone is going to Mobile World Congress 2009 in Barcelona, let me know to meetup. For a pretty good list of parties during MWC see
