Earlier this week, Rocco Georgi, Bryan Rieger, and Ajit Jaokar published their Mobile AJAX FAQ at the Horizon Channel.

There has been a number of reactions to it that you can find in the blogosphere, Ander's response is here, and Mike Rowehl's response is here, both who are mobility practitioners who emphasize that Mobile AJAX is not ready for prime time.

My perspective on Mobile AJAX is that its time will come, but when taking in consideration the essence of the mobile context, and the user experience, and the current state of the mobile browsers in general, its time is not today, not for advanced mobile applications…

But to get there, it is a good thing to start today documenting terms, and FAQs, and work on mobile browser standardization and consistent behavior, and so on.

For additional background information on the Mobile Web and its future, see the Mobile Web FAQ
