On a recent post titled Microsoft Media Center vs. Apple FrontRow, Om Malik wrote:

"its not being the first, or being the
one with the greatest number of features
that translates into market share. Instead
it is helping millions of consumers ease 
into the digital lifestyle that is the key"

Words of wisdom. Yes, that is the case. We have seen that again and again, and more recently in Google vs. Yahoo! and other search engines, and in Apple vs. Microsoft and others. And it also will be the case for the Next Big Thing in Mobility…

The secret sauce is about making a real impact, about Making Meaning, about changing the world…
As Guy Kawasaki said it, there are three principle ways of making meaning:

  • “The first is to increase the quality of life of your customer.”
  • “The second way to make meaning is to right a wrong.”
  • “The third way to make meaning is to perpetuate
    something good. So to make meaning, you must improve
    the quality of life, fix something that's bad,
    or perpetuate something that's good.”

The above is part of Guy's Rule #1 — Making Meaning, which he covers in his book The Art of The Start… Great book for anyone who is starting anything.
