Congrats to Lewis Weil of Austin Sea Veggies, who is October 2012 Awesome Austin Foundation grantee:

“My goal is produce amazing, fresh, healthy local seafood anywhere in world. I want people to have good food and for us to be able to leave the wild environment alone at the same time.”

See the Project’s page (Awesome Foundation).

This is a super awesome project, a great example of the awesome projects we are looking to fund. Lewis’ Austin Sea Veggies has garnered interest from gourmets and restaurants across the U.S. Check out his video on Slashdot.

Here is a picture of some of the trustees together with Lewis:

From left: C. Enrique Ortiz, Jacqueline Hughes, Hugh Forrest, Lewis Weil, Joel Bush

About Austin Awesome Foundation: Got an awesome idea? Would $1000, with no strings attached, make it a reality? Read more at The Austinot.
