This upcoming November 17, 2008 is the last day of the JCP Executive Committee elections.

This year a number of individuals have chosen to run for the SE and ME seats side-by-side large companies; see the JCP Ballot. On the ME side, we have Aplix and Sony Ericsson running for election, and Sean Sheedy (individual).

And with this post, I would like to ask you to vote for Sean Sheedy for one of the ME seats (two are open).

Sean represents the developer community. Sean knows the mobile Java space, the issues involved both technical and poltical, he is passionate about it, he is vocal, and he really means and intents to make a difference. You can read Sean’s statement of why he is running for the seat.

While I considered running for election, I felt that Sean is a much better candidate; we talked about how to better serve the mobile Java developer community and the answer is for him to run, and for me to support him by helping reach developers, help disseminate information, and gather feedback from the developer community for Sean to use, who again, will be representing the developer community, which is a very good thing.

Note that to vote, you have to be a member of the JCP, but that joining the JCP is free for individuals.

For more information about how to participate see
JCP Java ME EC Election: Vote now for a Voice for Independent Developers (Terrence Barr’s Blog).
