So, I subscribed to Twitter Blue. The goal (or wish) is that “investing” $8/month in Twitter will help fund it and make it better. Twitter used to be a place to follow and share, and learn from like-minded people.

But I am growing weary. Now more than ever (side note: I’ve been using Twitter since Mar 2007), the level of drama and noise (i.e. information and mis-information being pushed to me that I don’t care about), and in general, the level of stupidity, blind following (and brown nosing LOL), and chaos are all off the scale.

I have been a big fan of Elon Musk for years: from SpaceX, to Tesla (as an investor, to a Cybertruck hope soon to be owner), but not so much about him taking over Twitter:

Twitter is probably the most challenging problem that you will ever tackle. Not a true engineering problem. Social entropy will rule. (Source: Twitter – Apr/27/2022)

Today Twitter reminds me of the X-Files, with conspiracies from all angles. Drama == more followers.

I will give it it a bit more time, and then decide if I am pulling the plug; removing the mobile app for now has been my 1st step towards that.
