It has been a long time since I have written something in this blog, on random thoughts on tech and software, and other.

Today I use LinkedIn for professional, and Twitter for the rest. There is plethora of other social networks that I don’t use. The social network is fragmented, and perhaps that is a good thing.

Blogging was simple. Your own corner on the web, and simple feeds from people who you actually care about to follow. Minimal noise as compared to today. Going deeper than a twit, or a meme, or a photo. No fine print that gives away your rights to your own content and information. Your content, your rules. You can still share via Twits or other for reach purposes, but again, your content.

I should get back to blogging here. Research and writing is cathartic. The goal of this blog is to learn and share about tech and software-related research and implementations and analysis (with an occasional tangent), and connect with like-minded people.
