There are plenty of areas in mobility yet to be developed to its fullest potential. Below is a list of some of the “hot areas in mobility” to follow, or even better, to be part of and make a difference – there is plenty to innovate still:

  1. Mobile advertising (web-based, local/native-based)
  2. Mobile payments (ordering, payments, coupons, SMS-based, contactless, …)
  3. Mobile directories and 411 (local information, merchants, …)
  4. Mobile search (quick access to relevant data, traditional and new ways)
  5. Mobile gaming
  6. Mobile messaging (from IM to email, from text to video)
  7. Mobile-and-Multimedia in general
  8. Location-based Services
  9. Advanced User Interfaces (including voice integration, navigation, and Widgets…)
  10. Content sharing (photos, events, …)
  11. Mobile Social Software (from sharing, to messaging, to virtual communities)
  12. Power! (better sources for power)
  13. Content adaptation (better ways to manage/target/adapt Web content for mobile handsets)
  14. Common/single sign-on (common identification, authentication, authorization across the mobile Internet/Web; see Identity and Mobile)


  1. Smart notifications and reminders (based on user's mobile context)
  2. Backups (keep data safe, off the handset)
  3. Device management (this is key for enterprise adoption: application, access control, licensing management, etc)
  4. Education, translations, tourist-related information, while on the go
  5. Mobile banking
  6. Mobile polls and surveys

Join the bandwagon… Have other hot areas? Leave a comment!
